
Back (Type design) As a graphic designer, I like playing with font shapes and structures. During a trip to Barcelona, I started drawing a typeface inspired by the Art Nouveau mouvement and architecture. Taking source from Gaudi’s style, it was a good exercice form me to learn more about letter forms and ligatures.  {in progress}


Back (Branding) Development of my logo and the branding of my own identity. 


Back (Graphics & UX/UI) In 2020, I began an internship at Skipit, a company dedicated to promoting tourism and eco-transportation. As a designer, my responsibilities included contributing to the app’s development by designing its visuals and user interface with the other member of the design team. I also created print and digital marketing materials to […]


Back (Branding & UX/UI) Design of an app that lists ethical clothing brands.

Les Nocturnes de l’Histoire

Back (Print) Design of a poster to promote Les Nocturnes de l’Histoire (Night of History), a set of events developed by the Sorbonne University Library to spread knowledge about a particular topic. The goal of this first edition was to create a concept that can be used over time. I decided to keep a consistent structure and put […]


Back (Graphic & Type design) Design of a diverse range of posters while experimenting with typography. Passionate about communicating through images and type, I explore various mediums to experiment with layouts and fonts.

Christine Caminade Conseil

Back (Graphic & Web design) Redesign of Christine Caminade Conseil’s website and communication materials, a pharmacist and director of a training organisation.

Manufacture des Terres Méditerranéennes

Back (Branding & Web design) Identity and website of M.T.M (Manufacture des Terres Méditerranéennes/ Mediterranean Land Manufacture), a business that produces compressed raw clay bricks for use in building structures of all shapes and sizes.

Hors de moi

Back (Print) Design of a poster for Les Estiennales, an annual design conference. The theme of the 12th running of this event was “Hors de moi” (Outside of me). I worked in collaboration with Katia Baretto, on a futuristic approach of the theme: our creations are surpassing us. Following this guideline, we worked on a […]

Data Visualization

Back (Graphics) Creating visuals to bring clarity and ease to different topics. I usually start my process with research, on websites like ourworldindata, data.worldbank or other certified websites. After organizing my research on an Excel table, I start drawing my information first on paper and then on digital, with Illustrator. 

Let’s work together

If you want more info about what I do and discuss a project, please drop me an email!

Or find me here: